The Lost Company
A Stones River Odyssey
A group of Civil War re-enactors get what they wished for -- they go back in time, and find themselves smack dab in the middle of the Civil War. And you know what sometimes happens when you
get what you wished for -- disaster!
Will these war-innocents survive? Will they get back home?

The re-enactors
They are fifty re-enactors; some high school students, at least one in his sixties, the rest in ages in-between. They know nothing about war,
but what they have read in books.
What they soon discover is beyond
their worst nightmares
Battle of Stones River
The re-enactors find they have walked right into the battle of Stones River. The Federal high command places them on the battle line, and with this, these fellows from the 20th century quickly discover the horrors of mid-19th century warfare.